The Clockwork of the Universe


Illustration by RinSakura-chan

Perhaps your self-image is in the dumps and you feel empty inside. Or life is good but your faith is beckoning you to go deeper. Perhaps you have suffered a staggering loss or are clawing your way through a crisis. Maybe you view faith as a fairy tale and a crutch. Whether you feel stressed or blessed, whether you seek inspiration or entertainment, examining your core beliefs about God and the universe just might transform your life.

Do you view the universe as a friendly, orderly realm and God as a benevolent, merciful presence? Do you see the world as a harsh, unforgiving place and God as a thunderbolt-hurling, punishing force?

Do you question the very existence of God? Do you believe the workings of the universe are random and capricious and that life intrinsically lacks meaning and purpose?

Do you demand irrefutable evidence of God’s presence that your senses and science can observe and measure?

One can search the brain with a microscope and not find the mind, and can search the stars with a telescope and not find God.
J. Gustav White

While some may argue that belief in God requires a leap of faith, great philosophers throughout history have reasoned that the existence of divine intelligence is logical and inescapable.

Aristotle argued that all of creation is imbued with inherent purpose, and that the synthesis of order, direction, and continual motion in the universe cannot be a byproduct of chance.

I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.

As you accept the notion of a divine intelligence at work in the world, your awareness of and appreciation for the perfection of God’s plan gradually expands.

Take all the time you need. God has infinite patience and the laws of the universe will continue to operate.

If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are.
Zen wisdom

Close your mind to the existence of God, and you close the door to a wondrous new dimension bursting with untold opportunities to welcome even more peace, joy, and love into your heart.

Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.
Saint Augustine


If you feel more stressed than blessed . . . if you have more confusion than clarity about how to live your beliefs . . . if you long to live a richer, happier, more meaningful life . . . you will find a wealth of insight and guidance in Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World.

Through God’s Eyes is a road map for living a more peaceful, beautiful life. It’s the only book that explains how dozens of spiritual principles interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life.

Readers everywhere are discovering that when you challenge yourself to look through God’s eyes, the world around you changes, and so do you.

Who will benefit from reading Through God’s Eyes?
Anyone who is on a spiritual path, or wants to be.
Anyone who loves life, or wants to learn how to.
Anyone who is happy, or wants to be happier.

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Here is a two-minute video introduction to Through God’s Eyes.

Like to learn more about Through God’s Eyes? Here is a free 44-page PDF sampler from the book that includes:

• an overview of the book
• the complete table of contents
• the Foreword by Caroline Myss
• my Introduction
• chapter excerpts
• a sample end-of-chapter story
• endorsements from authors and thought leaders

Just click on the link below to download your free PDF sampler!

Schedule a Mastery Mentoring phone session with Phil to learn how to apply principles of spiritual living more effortlessly and effectively. Priced affordably! Click here to e-mail Phil for details.


Phil’s eBook, The Logic of Living a Spiritual Life: Supporting a Life of Faith Through Logic and Reason, is now available for 99 cents.

Order it at

In this eBook, you’ll find answers to questions like:
• What is the cornerstone of a spiritual life, and why?
• What is the secret to liberating yourself from other people’s judgments and expectations?
• How do you reconcile the “free will vs. Divine Will” conundrum?
• Why is there an exception to “Everything happens for a reason”?

Those who worship logic instead of God are only half right. Not only is it logical to believe in God and to live a faith-based life, the existence of a loving, benevolent God that governs all creation is perhaps the only systematic worldview that explains every aspect of life.

sixty-seconds-coverPhil is also the author of Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything, a collection of 45 inspiring, life-changing stories from prominent authors and thought leaders he interviewed. The roster of storytellers includes Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Caroline Myss, Larry Dossey, Rachel Naomi Remen, Bernie Siegel, Dean Ornish, and Christiane Northrup. Sixty Seconds has been translated into four languages: Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Reading this book is like spending a few minutes face to face with each of the contributors and listening to their personal stories.

Click here to order Sixty Seconds.

Learn more by visiting the official Sixty Seconds website.

Click here to read unsolicited testimonials from readers.

Here is a three-minute video introduction to Sixty Seconds.

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2 Responses to “The Clockwork of the Universe”

  1. Elisabeth Manning Says:

    Thank you so much. This is so needed, and I for one am always wanting to learn from those who, in my eyes, really hold keys to true success of character. Thank you. Humanity is better because you are in it. I am all for building a better human. All the best to you. Elisabeth Manning

  2. Phil Bolsta Says:

    Thank you for the kind words, Elisabeth.

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