Laurie Baum’s Astrological Forecast for 2010

Laurie Baum

This comprehensive astrological forecast for 2010 was written by my good friend Laurie Baum, MSW, a psychological astrologer and psychotherapist in practice in Encinitas, California. As you can see from her article, Laurie integrates the wisdom of natural patterns in the heavens with spirituality and psychological insights.

Click here to read another post that includes Laurie’s predictions for 2010 for each of the twelve zodiac signs.

Personally, I never had much of an appreciation for astrology and just didn’t care enough about the subject to investigate it further. Then two things happened.

First, I happened to read a chapter in a life-changing book that burned off the fog of ignorance and answered every question I had about astrology. It was written with clarity, precision, wit and wisdom, and I felt the subject come brilliantly alive for me as I read it. Click here to read that excerpt on astrology.

Second, I had an hour-long astrological reading with Laurie Baum yesterday. We discussed every area I could think of: health, relationships, finances, lessons in need of learning, major life changes to come. Not only did she nail everything—and I mean everything—about me, but she provided very helpful insights that will help me navigate the years ahead with more confidence and authority. It was uncanny: everything she told me aligned perfectly with what my intuition had long been telling me; but she also went far beyond that point and gave me much to think about. This reading with Laurie gave me a much deeper appreciation of the value of astrology and a more profound respect for its power. Thank you, Laurie!

NOTE: After this post appeared, Alan, a very spiritually minded friend of mine, e-mailed me: “Given your glowing recommendations I just sent Laurie an email requesting a reading.” Three days later, Alan sent me this note: “I had a wonderful astrology reading experience with Laurie. She was able to deliver insightful information in a comprehensive and compassionate manner. I found it timely and useful on many levels so I thank you for introducing me to her.”

You, too, can benefit from Laurie’s wisdom. She writes a free astrological newsletter about how planetary alignments affect our lives on earth. Click here to e-mail Laurie to subscribe at no cost, or visit Laurie’s website and click on “Free Email Newsletter.”

Laurie is a former newspaper and news magazine reporter who is profiled in the books Psychic New York and The 100 Top Psychics in America. She is the author of five books:

A to Z Acrophonology: Discover the Power of the Letters in Your Name

Everything You Need to Know About Your Astrology Sign

Whispers from the Cosmos

Sacred Mysteries of Egypt

Astrological Secrets for the New Millennium

Laurie also offers counseling appointments by phone. She will answer your questions about major life decisions and talk with you about the reasons you have incarnated, the lessons you are here to learn, where you are on the wheel of karma, and the psychological developmental cycles you have been through and are going through. She will look at current influences on your health, finances, relationships, career, and any relocation plans that may be necessary. She also will look ahead with you at the next seven years of your life. A reading with Laurie can help you take the next step in your life. Sessions, which are available via landline phone or Skype (audio or video), are digitally recorded.

To make an appointment, click here to e-mail Laurie or call her at (760) 753-7676. Click here to visit Laurie’s website for more information.


I write the 2010 forecast with awe and trepidation as there is more planetary activity in the heavens in 2010 than in any year in my 20-plus years as an astrologer, and perhaps more planetary activity than any of us have lived through in our lifetimes. This level of celestial action portends a period of great change here on Planet Earth.

The celestial alignments of 2010 set the stage for the dramatic planetary transformation in 2012 to a higher level of consciousness and greater dimensions of thinking and feeling. Contrary to what you may have heard, the world is not coming to a cataclysmic end in December 2012. All that will be ending are old, ineffective ways of living on the planet. We have much to look forward to.

But, before the new and better can come in, the old and unproductive must be cast away. I wrote about this phenomenon more than a decade ago in my book, Astrological Secrets for the New Millennium. I spoke optimistically of the culture we would begin to create together, one where we would intuitively understand each other’s feelings and ideas, where we would exchange goods and services with each other in mutually beneficial ways without the use of conventional currency, where all religions would reach a mutual understanding about our need to bring awareness of God into our daily lives, where our thoughts could heal and our words could create a new and loving reality.

The world, however, fought tenaciously to hold onto its old, warrior-like, money-oriented ways. And the need to create a healthier, cleaner environment has been stymied by those who opted for more money and power rather than clean air and water.

Still, we have the opportunity to use the powerful energies unleashed in the heavenly spheres in 2010 to create a better world. There is really nothing to fight about. The wellbeing of everyone on the planet depends upon our working together as equals rather than working against each other, no matter who “started” it.

To give you an idea of the magnitude of the planetary pyrotechnics in 2010, there will be more than 20 powerful planetary alignments concentrated in the late spring and summer, involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. This celestial phenomenon is called “The Cardinal Climax.” In a normal year, only a handful of powerful planetary alignments occur – and they are spread throughout the year rather than concentrated in a few-month span.

The most intense planetary activity of 2010 will begin on May 22, 2010, when Jupiter and Saturn oppose each other in the heavens, bringing to fruition changes initiated in the year 2000. This planetary alignment, which occurs every 20 years, brings significant changes to government, business, entrepreneurial projects, and relationships.

The celestial activity continues on May 27, 2010, when revolutionary Uranus enters fiery Aries and expansive Jupiter enters Aries on June 5, 2010. The two planets join together on June 8, 2010. Uranus was last in Aries from 1927 to 1935. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus speeds the evolution of ideologies and technologies and realigns social hierarchies, economic fortunes, and alliances.

The energy intensifies when Saturn opposes Uranus on July 26, 2010, and squares Pluto on August 21, 2010.  These will cause dramatic social change.

Powerful Mars also opposes Uranus on July 30, 2010, conjoins Saturn on July 31, 2010, opposes Jupiter on August 3, 2010, and squares Pluto on August 3, 2010, bringing buried aggression to a crescendo. Jupiter also squares Pluto on August 3, 2010, which also will bring long-held discontent of the populace to the surface. Jupiter then opposes Saturn on August 16, 2010, and Uranus squares Pluto, intensifying the disorder – and the desire for order – in conventional, organized social structures.

To add to the volatile mix, a full moon lunar eclipse occurs on June 26, 2010, and a new moon solar eclipse occurs on July 11, 2010. Finally, Jupiter conjoins Uranus on September 18, 2010. (See below for list of planetary alignments)

This level of planetary activity will stir passions in each person and in nations. People will be willing to make great sacrifices for their ideas – for good or ill. It is very important for us to focus on the highest good for the greatest number rather than on narrow selfish interests. Fortunately, beneficial Jupiter will be in the soothing sign of Pisces from January 17, 2010, to January 22, 2011, bringing spiritual protection and peace to those who pray for it.

The planetary alignments also will rebalance out-of-balance power dynamics and will rectify inequality across the globe, redistributing resources from the “haves” to the “have-nots.” These planetary alignments, especially with the active involvement of Mars, will give those who have been out of power the energy and courage to confront those who are in power.

The year 2010 also will be filled with remarkable technological innovations and punctuated by a continual erosion of established conventions and cultural mores. Brilliant innovations will alternate with the weakening of governments, corporations, financial infrastructures, and an erosion of the health of Mother Nature with periodic and unusual cataclysms in nature.

New and better styles of life are waiting to emerge to take the place of unsupportive ways of living and thinking. For those concerned about finances, a new system of currency will naturally replace the faltering system in which we previously have placed so much faith, causing us to see that old habits are not necessarily good habits. Agricultural, healthcare, educational, service-oriented, technological, and planet-supporting endeavors, including those involving air and water purification and new sources of energy and food, will eventually displace heavy industry, the military machine, and a heavily-polluting manufacturing sector as top priorities.

The process of transforming the world as we know it will begin with a series of reversals of fortune for many across the globe, which will level the playing field by shifting resources from the haves to the have-nots. Global power will naturally flow from North to South, and from West to East. You will see China, India, Australia, Indonesia, South America, and even Africa, play an increasingly powerful role on the world stage. Simultaneously, the leadership role of the United States will diminish.

Women, young people, and people of diverse ethnic backgrounds will increasingly ascend to powerful positions in businesses, governments, and influential grassroots movements. Older, white men may continue to appear to be “in control.” Time will prove, however, that the true power will progressively lie with groups that have been historically disenfranchised and appear weak from our current perspective. Within these groups are the seeds of change.

Social networking groups on the Internet also will play a powerful role in defining a more inclusive and egalitarian future society. First, however, the powerful will fight to stay on top. Power struggles between the old and the new are bound to ensue. Governmental and financial chaos and disorder will escalate. As a last-gasp attempt to maintain order, governments may try to exert greater control, yet their attempts to manage the masses ultimately will prove unsuccessful. Freewheeling, and as yet unorganized, youth will prevail in their quest for autonomy and freedom as older structures begin to fade away.

In support of these necessary changes, a global financial contraction culminates the expansionary economic cycle that began in 1982. Some of the wealth created since that time will naturally flow in new ways, to new people in new places, to bring the cosmic scales back into balance. Economic conditions from 2009 to 2020 will parallel the economic cycle established from 1973 to 1982. This includes contraction and stagnation in real estate markets, followed by a period of inflation. This is part of a global cycle of correction. It will balance any excesses that occurred in the last several decades.

Rather than hold on tightly to what you have, or to fears about what is coming next, try to practice feeling relaxed and peaceful, by holding on loosely and with non-attachment to what is currently abundant in your life, and by feeling gratitude for the gifts you possess. Be willing to accept change and stay open to possibilities you had not contemplated.

As these planetary influences become stronger, you may question previously held assumptions or feel differently about something you always thought to be true. You may no longer want something you have always wanted. You may want something you’ve never wanted before. Or, you may suddenly stop doing something you have always done. Or, you may have thought you would never do something – only to find yourself doing it!

Your normal habits and routines, when they become too rigid, will be disrupted to help you see the greater purpose for which you are striving: a deeper connection to your soul. All that is lost will not truly be lost, but instead will be a gateway to receiving that which you truly need.

Practice doing, thinking, or feeling the opposite of what you have done, thought, or felt in the past. Stay open to exchanging goods, services, and ideas with people with whom you previously have not had contact. You will be surprised at how much you learn, and how much you gain from unexpected sources! Everyone will be taken care of, in new and more simplified ways, and from new sources of abundance.

Meditate and pray to be guided to the actions that will bring your highest good. Everything you deserve, desire, and need will come to you at the appropriate time for your growth and evolution. Think clearly about what you truly need. It might be quite different from what you have habitually assumed in the past. Again, be receptive to alternative solutions – there are many of them!

When you look back at this time in future years, you will see how positive these changes were for your sense of self, your confidence, and your faith in the universe. Even if you think you are letting go of many things, everything will return to you in a higher form. Strive to practice patience as you transition to a higher and more beneficial way of being!

It is a law of physics that the greatest chaos precedes the greatest order. From the disorder will come the opportunity to rearrange your life according to a higher truth, one that is closer to the vision of your soul.

So, try to find comfort in the changes, in the situations you are unable to attain or control, in the rearranging of those things you had depended upon, and in the things you appear to be “losing.” If you are unable to attain something during this period, it may be delayed for a more opportune time, or it may be in your highest good not to have. If you let go of something, know that something better is coming to take its place. Consider that what is leaving your life may not have been truly yours in the first place. Or, consider that it has outlived its useful purpose. Simply hold on to the love and peace in your heart as you patiently wait for the next chapter to unfold.

Here are dates to remember for the Cardinal Climax 2010:

·     December 31, 2009, Lunar Eclipse * Sun in Capricorn – Moon in Cancer

·     January 15, 2010 – Solar Eclipse * Sun and Moon in Capricorn

·     January 17, 2010 – Jupiter enters Pisces

·     January 31, 2010 – Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn

·     April 26, 2010 – Saturn in Virgo opposes Uranus in Pisces

·     May 22, 2010 – Jupiter in Pisces opposes Saturn in Virgo

·     May 27, 2010 – Uranus enters Aries for the first time since 1935; Uranus was last in Aries from 1927 to 1935.

·     June 5, 2010 – Jupiter enters Aries for the first time since 2000; Jupiter was last in Aries from early 1999 to early 2000.

·     June 8, 2010 – Jupiter in Aries conjoins Uranus in Aries

·     June 26, 2010 – Lunar Eclipse * Sun in Cancer – Moon in Capricorn

·     July 11, 2010 – Solar Eclipse * Sun and Moon in Cancer

·     July 24, 2010 – Jupiter in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn

·     July 26, 2010 – Saturn in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries

·     July 30, 2010 – Mars in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries

·     July 31, 2010 – Mars in Libra conjoins Saturn in Libra

·     August 3, 2010 – Jupiter in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn

·     August 3, 2010 – Mars in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries

·     August 3/4, 2010 – Mars in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn

·     August 16, 2010 – Jupiter in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra

·     August 21, 2010 – Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn

·     September 18, 2010 – Jupiter in conjoins Uranus in Pisces

·     December 21, 2010 – Lunar Eclipse * Sun in Sagittarius – Moon in Gemini

·     January 4, 2011 – Total Solar Eclipse, Sun and Moon in Capricorn

·     January 4, 2011 – Jupiter in Pisces conjoins Uranus in Pisces

·     February 25, 2011 – Jupiter in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

·     March 28, 2011 – Jupiter in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra

The heavens calm down in late 2011 and we prepare for a peaceful entrance into 2012. During that year, beneficial Jupiter in Taurus makes a positive angle to transformative Pluto in Capricorn on March 13, 2012, and beneficial Jupiter and spiritual Neptune align on June 25, 2012. On September 19, 2012, Uranus in Aries once again squares Pluto in Capricorn, bringing to a crescendo all of the changes initiated by the Cardinal Climax of 2010. Finally, a stabilizing alignment between karmic Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in the soothing sign of Pisces brings stability as 2012 comes to a close.


Painting by Aldo Spadoni

Click here to view all my posts about Laurie Baum.


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