What Does Saving the World Look Like?

A Northern college student involved in the civil rights struggle in the early ’60s recalled how the bubble burst on her youthful idealism. When she arrived in Alabama, she fully expected bigoted residents to listen to her well-reasoned argument about the evils of racism and enthusiastically thank her for enlightening them about their misguided ways; word would spread and racism in the deep south would cease to exist.

That’s what being young is all about. You have the courage and the daring to think that you can make a difference.
Ruby Dee

Forty years later, she marvels at her naivete and innocence. But who knows? Perhaps she did touch even one person’s heart and mind and plant the seed of change.

Do not commit the error, common among the young, of assuming that if you cannot save the whole of mankind you have failed.
Jan de Hartog

Such “magical thinking” is not limited to the young. Dr. Francis Collins, one of the country’s leading geneticists and the former head of the Human Genome Project, told me about his trip to Nigeria at the age of thirty-nine to serve at a small mission hospital. In his story, which appears in my book, Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything, it didn’t take long for him to become disillusioned:

I began to wonder what on earth I was doing there. Before going to Nigeria, I had this image of myself as coming to save lives and help the whole country. Somehow my presence would make a difference. I would go back with exciting stories about how my efforts had made an impact on this part of the world. I began to conclude that I was a victim of a romantic and unrealistic vision, and began to count the days until I could go.

Ah, but then Collins dramatically saved the life of a young Nigerian farmer. And the following morning, in one life-changing, heart-stopping moment, he learned what saving the world looks like. Click here to read that story.


If you feel more stressed than blessed . . . if you have more confusion than clarity about how to live your beliefs . . . if you long to live a richer, happier, more meaningful life . . . you will find a wealth of insight and guidance in Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World.

Through God’s Eyes is a road map for living a more peaceful, beautiful life. It’s the only book that explains how dozens of spiritual principles interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life.

Readers everywhere are discovering that when you challenge yourself to look through God’s eyes, the world around you changes, and so do you.

Who will benefit from reading Through God’s Eyes?
Anyone who is on a spiritual path, or wants to be.
Anyone who loves life, or wants to learn how to.
Anyone who is happy, or wants to be happier.

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Like to learn more about Through God’s Eyes? Here is a free 44-page PDF sampler from the book that includes:

• an overview of the book
• the complete table of contents
• the Foreword by Caroline Myss
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Phil’s eBook, The Logic of Living a Spiritual Life: Supporting a Life of Faith Through Logic and Reason, is now available for 99 cents.

Order it at GodIsLogical.com.

In this eBook, you’ll find answers to questions like:
• What is the cornerstone of a spiritual life, and why?
• What is the secret to liberating yourself from other people’s judgments and expectations?
• How do you reconcile the “free will vs. Divine Will” conundrum?
• Why is there an exception to “Everything happens for a reason”?

Those who worship logic instead of God are only half right. Not only is it logical to believe in God and to live a faith-based life, the existence of a loving, benevolent God that governs all creation is perhaps the only systematic worldview that explains every aspect of life.

sixty-seconds-coverPhil is also the author of Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything, a collection of 45 inspiring, life-changing stories from prominent authors and thought leaders he interviewed. The roster of storytellers includes Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Caroline Myss, Larry Dossey, Rachel Naomi Remen, Bernie Siegel, Dean Ornish, and Christiane Northrup. Sixty Seconds has been translated into four languages: Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Reading this book is like spending a few minutes face to face with each of the contributors and listening to their personal stories.

Click here to order Sixty Seconds.

Learn more by visiting the official Sixty Seconds website.

Click here to read unsolicited testimonials from readers.

Here is a three-minute video introduction to Sixty Seconds.

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2 Responses to “What Does Saving the World Look Like?”

  1. ArrVee Says:

    SOMEONE infinitely greater than us did that 2000 years ago, and He had to give His Life for it.

    We have more manageable callings, apportioned to us according to our capabilities, and the Lesson should not be lost on us that we have to make our own sacrifices, and what seem like failures are not necessarily so.

  2. Phil Bolsta Says:

    Yes, we must be satisfied with what we are capable of doing, ArrVee. If we all do our part, the world will be transformed!

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