Email List Sign-Up

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9 Responses to “Email List Sign-Up”

  1. Kristin Hall Sliwicki Says:

    I love your stories!

  2. Phil Bolsta Says:

    Thanks so much, Kristin!

  3. Debbie Fauskee Says:

    I absolutely love reading all your stories! Have you ever seen the movie Bonneville? Your story about your dad and Ortonville reminded me of the movie. It’s mid morning here in Denver, CO and time for me to venture to the backyard for some gardening and yard work! Take Care.

  4. Phil Bolsta Says:

    Thanks so much, Debbie! No, I haven’t seen that movie. Sounds like something I’d enjoy though!

  5. Selina Says:

    Hi Phil… Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  6. Phil Bolsta Says:

    Thanks, Selina!

  7. greyeyesgabriel Says:

    Thanks for the invite; nice job…

  8. Phil Bolsta Says:

    I appreciate it, Gabriel!

  9. Lisa Baldwin Says:

    Hi Phil,

    It was a pleasure meeting you with Catherine the other day near the temple. I am enjoying the stories on your site.

    In Divine Friendship,
    Lisa Baldwin

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