Archive for July, 2008

Wonderful Audio Interview with Wayne Dyer

July 31, 2008

Here is Wayne Dyer being interviewed by Mark Victor Hansen in 2006. Wayne is one of the contributors to my book, Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything.

Click on the audio player below to listen to the interview, which runs one hour and six minutes.

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer

I loved listening to Wayne’s responses. He’s always so enthusiastic and insightful. Toward the end of the interview, I got a big bonus! Wayne mentions that he laughed at a birthday card he received on his 64th birthday. It read, “Inside this card is a special message from God.” He opened the card to find the words, “See you soon!”

That was fun to hear because I wrote that card! I’ve been writing greeting cards since 1990 and have sold well over (more…)

Transcending Life as a Flowerpot

July 30, 2008

My dad, Kent Bolsta

This is a story from my book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World,

On an otherwise ordinary Thursday night, my dad slept in his own bed in his own home for the last time. He didn’t realize it, and never would. He was to spend Friday night—and all the rest of his nights—in a nearby nursing home.

His memory had been failing for at least a decade but it wasn’t until a warm September evening six years before that I truly became alarmed. In my mind, it was the night he veered off the main highway of life and began weaving erratically down Alzheimer’s Avenue.

He had worked on the stats crew for University of Minnesota Gopher football games for forty years, and, as was his custom after home games, he was going to drive the twenty minutes to my townhouse and sleep over rather than drive an additional seventy miles to his home in St. Cloud.

I expected him around midnight; at a quarter to one, the phone rang. He was lost. He was calling from the Hopkins House Hotel just a few miles down the road. I cheerfully told him that all he had to do was head east on Highway 7. He said he didn’t know which way east was, which startled me. I then heard five words that sent a chill up my spine. In a soft, sweet voice, he said, “I’ll (more…)

Choose Love in Every Moment

July 29, 2008

While reading Gerald Jampolsky‘s powerful book, Teach Only Love, a particularly compelling passage jumped out at me. The gist of it is this: In every encounter we have with another human being, that person is either offering love to us or in need of love from us. In that instant, I became a better person.

Not long after, I walked into my gym and saw Bill, a member I knew fairly well, doing standing calf raises with his back to me. Impulsively, I wrapped my weight belt around his forehead as a goofy way of saying hello. He was not pleased. He whipped around and, in so many words, most of which were unprintable, told me he would punch my face in if I ever did that again.


List of Spiritual Affirmations—Help Yourself!

July 28, 2008

quarry-grottoAs a companion to this affirmations article, here’s a list of affirmations I put together and use frequently. I offer them for the sake of reference. You may like a few of them, most of them or none at all. Feel free to take what you like and integrate them into your own list.

I wrote most of these affirmations myself although many of them come from Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer’s excellent book, Creating Money. You can also find some great affirmations in Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.

Keep your list of affirmations fresh and meaningful by (more…)

The Healing Power of Affirmations

July 27, 2008

waterfallThere is no escaping it. To enjoy the rewards of a spiritual quest, you need to practice a daily spiritual discipline. Some people like to meditate. Others are better served by reading books or listening to tapes. Many choose quiet reflection during a walk in the woods or while tending their garden.

Affirmations do the trick for me. In just a few minutes, they can help get me centered and grounded no matter where I am or what I’m doing, whether it’s standing in line at the grocery store, sitting at my desk at work, or driving across town. The regular use of affirmations helps me maintain a strong and consistent connection to the deep love. I hope they work for you, too.

As Shakti Gawain wrote in her groundbreaking book, Creative Visualization, an affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. The key word here is “positive.” It’s important to affirm what you do want, not what you don’t want.


Oprah Presents ESPY Award to Jim MacLaren

July 25, 2008

This amazing video is a profile of Jim MacLaren, one of the contributors to my book, Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything. The video is narrated by Kiefer Sutherland. It was shown at (more…)

Jimmy and Jim

July 16, 2008

Everybody loves a good story. The right story at the right time may have changed the way you look at the world or even altered the course of your life. Often, hearing someone else’s story of overcoming difficulties inspires us to find the courage to overcome our own.

The amazing Jim MacLaren

The amazing Jim MacLaren

I recently called Jimmy Kaercher, a longtime family friend and the editor of the newspaper in Ortonville, the western Minnesota town where my dad grew up. To my surprise, Jimmy, who was about to turn 78, told me he was in the hospital. Nine weeks earlier, his colon had burst and he had nearly died. He woke up to find that he had received a colostomy. It was a difficult recovery and he confided in me that there were days when he wished he hadn’t awakened from surgery.

But then he had read Jim MacLaren’s story in my new book, Sixty Seconds: One Minute Changes Everything. I had sent him a copy a few months before. He said MacLaren’s story had inspired him to keep fighting, that if MacLaren, now a motivational speaker, was able to keep his spirits up after enduring two horrific accidents that rendered him first an amputee, and then a quadriplegic, then maybe he didn’t have it so bad after all.
