Posts Tagged ‘Forgiveness’

My Interview with Andrew Harvey on Betrayal

October 1, 2017

Listen to my twelve-minute interview with Andrew Harvey here:

Andrew Harvey

Andrew, why do you consider betrayal to be one of the most difficult forms of adversity to overcome?
Betrayal is quite simply the most devastating experience that anyone can live through, especially if it’s betrayal as I went through it — betrayal from a teacher whom I loved with all my soul and heart and who had been an immense source of strength and revelation for me.

Betrayal dissolves every kind of concept that you have of reality and plunges you into a groundless abyss. This, of course, is an appalling experience, but it’s also… if you can stay in love with love in the dark, this experience can lead to a massive revelation of the presence of the Divine in and through everything, which permanently transforms you.

I wouldn’t wish the experience of betrayal that I’ve had on anyone, but looking back I realize it was absolutely essential for my evolution. The betrayal I had at the hand of my teacher, which I wrote about in Sun at Midnight, was a betrayal that ended one life. I died when I realized that I’d been hopelessly sold down the river in a very dangerous way. But that death wasn’t into chaos. It was into a much larger, more spacious realization. Also, I believe that betrayal isn’t just the most difficult experience that a human being can go through. It’s also an (more…)

World Premiere of the “Through God’s Eyes” Video Trailer!

May 20, 2014

I am pleased to present the brand-new video trailer for Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World.

As I mention in the video, I’d be happy to send you a free c (more…)

My Radio Interviews for “Through God’s Eyes”

November 16, 2012


Here are some radio interviews I did for my book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World. I hope you enjoy them!


Here is an enjoyable interview I did with Michele Meiche for her Awakenings Radio Show. We discussed how to choose love as a way of life, why surrender is the cornerstone of a spiritual life, and how to align your will with Divine Will.

Here is our thirty-seven-minute interview from January 18, 2017:

Dennis Raimondi on the air with “Speaking Freely”

I had a great time talking to Dennis Raimondi of Speaking Freely. I had gotten to know Dennis, whose radio show originates from KRUU-FM in Fairfield, Iowa, during his frequent trips to Encinitas, California, where I live. Dennis enjoyed my book, Through God’s Eyes, and suggested I come on his show. It was a real pleasure being a guest on Dennis’ “Religion and Spirituality” series.

Here is our twenty-eight-minute interview from October 24, 2014:

Spiwe Pierce

Spiwe Pierce

I very much enjoyed this two-part interview on The Spiwe Show on July 13 and July 20, 2014. Spiwe and I had met some years ago as members of Self-Realization Fellowship and it was great reconnecting with her.

Here is our thirty-six-minute interview from July 13:

Here is our thirty-nine-minute interview from July 20:

the-yoga-hour-ellen-grace-obrianlogoI had a wonderful time talking to Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian about spirituality and healing on her show, The Yoga Hour, on February 27, 2014. Click on the audio player below to hear our 58-minute interview.


It was a joy talking to Julie Geigle for her Lifeclass Book Club. Here are the seven interviews we did, from January 7 through February 11, 2014. The videos average about thirty minutes each.









I had a great time talking about intuition and spiritual principles with Lindsay Marino on her show, Intuitive Guidance with Lindsay Marino, on December 9, 2013. Click on the audio player below to hear our 39-minute interview.

inside-personal-growth-logoMy interview with Greg Voisen of Inside Personal Growth on May 10, 2013, was a stimulating Q&A session. Click on the audio player below to hear our 37-minute interview.


My interview with Paul Streitz, author of Blue-Collar Buddha, aired on Holly’s Advice for B2C on January 15, 2013. Click on the audio player below to hear our 48-minute interview.

It was a pleasure talking to Kathy Kirk on her radio show, A New View of Life, on November 6, 2012. Click on the audio player below to hear our 45-minute (more…)

Download a Free 44-Page PDF of “Through God’s Eyes” Excerpts!

November 12, 2012

To read excerpts from my book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World, download this free 44-page PDF sampler. It includes:

• an overview of the book
• the complete table of contents
• the Foreword by Caroline Myss
• my Introduction
• chapter excerpts
• a sample end (more…)

Videos of My Book Readings for “Through God’s Eyes”

November 3, 2012

I am pleased to present this video of my book reading for Through God’s Eyes at the Hopkins Health and Wellness Center in (more…)

Meeting Eva Kor, One of My Personal Heroes

September 20, 2012

My daughter Erin and I were privileged to meet Eva Kor after her talk at St. Cloud State University

Two years ago, I interviewed Eva Kor for my blog. Eva had been sent to Auschwitz in 1944 at the age of ten, where she and her sister Miriam were experimented on by the brutal Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele.

Tonight, I finally got to meet Eva in person. She lectured on her life and philosophy to a packed auditorium at St. Cloud State University. Afterward, she signed copies of her books for dozens and dozens of people who waited patiently in line. Many also wanted photos and a few had personal questions for her. I was amazed by Eva’s energy and capacity for joy. She gave each person a friendly smile and as much time as they wanted. It was after eleven o’clock by the time she put down her pen.

It is Eva’s stance on forgiveness that has made her an iconic and controversial figure all over the world. On January 27, 1995, in a public ceremony marking the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops, Kor declared her forgiveness toward the Nazis who murdered her parents and two older sisters. Standing by the ruins of (more…)

Wild Bill’s Legacy of Love

June 22, 2012

This excerpt from the book Return from Tomorrow by George C. Ritchie is without question the most powerful testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit I’ve ever encountered. Every time I hear it, it takes my breath away.

Ritchie was a soldier in WWII who was part of a group assigned to a concentration camp near Wuppertal, Germany, after the war with Europe ended in May 1945. Ritchie’s team was charged with getting medical help to the newly liberated prisoners, many of them Jews from Holland, France and eastern Europe. He writes:

This was the most shattering experience I had yet had. I had been exposed many times by then to sudden death and injury, but to see the effects of slow starvation, to walk through those barracks where thousands of men had died a little bit at a time over a period of years, was a new kind of horror. For many it was an irreversible process; we lost scores each day in spite of all the medicine and food we could rush to them.

Ritchie then relates how he came to know an inmate the American soldiers called Wild Bill Cody due to his long drooping handlebar mustache that resembled that of the old western hero. Wild Bill’s real name was “seven unpronounceable syllables in Polish.” Ritchie writes of him:

He was one of the inmates of the concentration camp, but obviously he had not been there long; his posture was erect, his eyes bright, his energy indefatigable. Since he was fluent in English, French, German and Russian, as well as Polish, he became a kind of unofficial camp translator.

We came to him with all sorts of problems; the paperwork alone was staggering in attempting to relocate people whose families, even whole hometowns, might have disappeared. But though Wild Bill worked fifteen and sixteen hours a day, he showed no signs of weariness. While the rest of us were drooping with fatigue, he seemed to (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: Reader Testimonials

May 17, 2012

One of the most rewarding parts of writing Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World has been getting so many uplifting e-mails from people all over the world. Receiving such enthusiastic feedback has been both gratifying and humbling. Here are excerpts from the wonderful e-mails and reviews I’ve received. My thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed the book.

I have read many spiritual and self-improvement books and this book is one of the best. To me it is third only to the Bible and Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Phil Bolsta has done an excellent job in writing this book. I highly recommend it to all truth seekers.
Clay Daves, Oceanside, California

Thank you for your book, Through God’s Eyes. Every page feels like rain from heaven. I have never read such a book. So much wisdom. I am glad you put it in my hands.
Rosalina Gonzales, Carlsbad, California

Your book Through God’s Eyes is truly extraordinary and has become a permanent part of my daily spiritual reading routine. There is so much deep inspiration and spiritual nourishment in it! Unlike other anthologies of inspirational quotes, your own writing that connects the various texts is on the same high level, sometimes even more so, as the quoted passages. This book has become a favorite gift to give my friends and family. Everyone who has received it has praised and loved it. Thank you for this wonderful gift that you have given all of us.
Alberto Bird, New York City

I have found in this book a rich, spirited source of uplift and assurance for myself and for others. I lent it out before reading it from cover to cover, having recognized early on its enormous value for people struggling with existential and spiritual issues.
It is readily accessible, and notably to those who shy away from organized religion but are longing for connection with the divine qualities that are our birthright, but have been lost along the way.
I love it, and am filled with gratitude to the inspired author, Phil Bolsta.
Briar, a trauma counselor in New Zealand

I am rereading my book for the third time, and each page delivers a beautiful message to me—a message of wisdom, compassion, encouragement, forgiveness, and HOPE. Phil Bolsta’s book has been an important and empowering healing tool for me on my healing journey. Whether I have turned to it in desperation or for affirmation, it has never let me down. I have read hundreds of healing, self-help, and spiritual guidance books; this book has been life-changing and life-saving. Thank you, Phil, for sharing hope, love, and light with the world.
Cheryl N., Minnesota

Through God’s Eyes is filled with priceless gems of wisdom and inspiration from sages, saints, and other legendary figures from many ages. You can measure the skill, artistry, and soulful connection of the author by the way his words impact your life. They strike at your very core. I have written some of his thoughts on Post-it Notes and placed them in strategic places throughout my home to uplift me and remind me of what is truly important. This book is not just inspirational; it’s also very practical. You’ll find a strong, loving, and satisfying resolution to many of life’s most pressing problems. The title of the book is Through God’s Eyes but you’ll find that the author’s ability to weave together his profoundly enriching commentary with inspired quotes from great thinkers throughout history will actually provide a momentary glimpse into the very heart of God.
Lew B., Carlsbad, California

Through God’s Eyes is a deep and profound spiritual journey that not only inspires, but guides, and allows us to realize that it is through a power beyond ourselves—a belief, a vision, a reflection of faith, hope, and love—which ultimately helps us become the best version of ourselves! Thank you, Phil, for sharing this with the world! And thank you for all of the great quotes!
Nguyen Dennen, Amazon Reviewer

If the world is ending and you can only run out the door with one book, this would be the one to take. Why? Because it contains wisdom from around the world from humanity’s finest. A charming narrator guides you through this journey of quotations and pearls, quips, and answers to how to live life well from Saints and Sinners all. Along with sharing his personal experiences, there are challenging questions for self-reflection. The book reads like a long conversation and a reference book all in one. I highly recommend it for writers and novelists, bloggers, twitterists, and spiritual seekers who love quotes to meditate on and post on Instagram. Will there be Instagram when the world is ending? I hope so! Buy this book so you can keep posting. Also buy it because it is one of the biggest, thickest books I have ever owned and if you hug it, it hugs you back.
Boa Boa, Amazon Reviewer

Russ and I looked at your book more carefully this morning, and we were both amazed at the scope of it. Just the sheer task of gathering the material from so many sources and then organizing it into the separate themes of the chapter headings boggles my mind. I can see how this must have taken years to put together. It’s not just a compilation of others’ thoughts but your own interwoven one-by-one between theirs.
I’ve been listening to classical music lately through a music-appreciation class I’ve been taking. This book reminds me of a composer writing a symphony—setting down on musical notation paper all the thousands of notes that all the different instruments will play. I can’t begin to understand how such a mind would work to be able to do that, and I feel the same way about your book!
I thought the cover was so inspiring too. I really imagined it was a closeup photo of a human eye until I read inside that it was a nebula! What a great idea.
Russ and I will both appreciate this book for many years to come. We like to read each other inspiring stories regularly as a way to connect and relax in the evenings since we don’t watch television. We can pick this up and just open it at random and find something beautiful to enjoy together. It’s a book to treasure, one paragraph or page at a time.
Rita, Encinitas, California

It was so great to meet you last night at your book reading! The reading from your book was absolutely beautiful, and I truly appreciated the great discussion that followed. As I was walking into my apartment last night, with great anticipation to dive into your book, I glanced down at the cover and had a realization. I knew, without a doubt, that the reading of this book is going to change my life. It was a lovely moment, and I’m so grateful. So thank you, thank you for all you’ve already added to my life in such a short time! I began reading your book last night before bed, and I woke up this morning with a new perspective. I have fresh eyes, my heart is more open, my gratitude has expanded, and my faith heightened.
Aerica Benson, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Through God’s Eyes is a transformational book. After reading the chapter, “See Every Moment as a Gift,” I found myself not feeling so hung up in the drama of life. Instead, I saw that everything that happens to me presents an opportunity to learn valuable life lessons. After many such “Aha!” moments, I realized that this book was a catalyst that would help me make substantial changes. I already feel clearer and happier and so thankful to be drawing even closer to God. This book is worth its weight in gold!
Julie Briggs, Encinitas, California

I must admit that I was surprised by the book’s size and weight and sheer volume: 530+ pages! Then I noticed that the composition was unlike most books, mainly grouped into quotations by learned Masters and interspersed with the author’s comments. “Oh, a bunch of quotes, hmmm . . . ,” I thought. “There’s only SO much concentrated wisdom that I can take in one sitting. This book may really take a while . . .” However, once I began reading I found myself unable to put the book down. It literally made me late for work, dinner, the dentist, you name it! The quotations are beautifully grouped into categories. The author’s comments are so insightful that I often found myself reading only his text from one page to the next, and only then going back and “scooping up” the related quotations. In fact, read this way, this is a beautifully cohesive book in its own right. The self-reflection questions at the end of each chapter, as well as the author’s personal insights, are added bonuses. Another gem is the chapter on affirmations with powerful and beautiful examples. I’ve had this book for several months and it is never out of arm’s length.
David Wahler, Rancho Mirage, California

I’m an avid reader and seldom write reviews, but this book is worth reviewing. Through God’s Eyes examines and explains the complexity of the human condition with distilled, relentless eloquence. The words in this book pop off the page and speak to the heart of the matter on so many important issues. It’s unique.
Do you have a dear friend going through a difficult time? Do you need a perfect graduation gift? Does your child need fodder for a college essay? Or maybe you need to do something kind for yourself. This book is compassionate and multidimensional. It doesn’t matter if you are a Montague or Capulet, Democrat or Republican—this book is generous, instructive, and illuminating. It can even give you a kick in the butt when you need it.
Heidi Stokes, Minneapolis, Minnesota

I am so grateful for the copy of Through God’s Eyes you sent me. I will let you have photos of how I have marked quotes, highlighted your comments, wrote in it, etc. It’s a work of art. I am finding my way. I know it has always been there but now I see more clearly.
Jeanine Simpson, Cape Town, South Africa

The best books contain unexpected delights, surprises that enrich the soul and also give us hope. This is a book about finding peace and purpose through the waves of life. I call this book my “modern day 8 ball.” I love asking it a question and opening to a page for my response. I always find true inspiration and am so grateful Phil has shared his wonderful creation with all of us.
Mindy Nye, Santa Monica, California

Regardless of your religious beliefs, Through God’s Eyes is composed of transformative truth and wisdom for the ages. For those seeking answers and guidance in our chaotic world, there is no better sourcebook for the soul. It is so eloquently written and organized that, if I didn’t know better, I’d think it was an example of divine intervention! A person who isn’t on a spiritual journey will WANT to be after reading a few pages! It brings THAT much clarity. Phil Bolsta’s book has become my spiritual bible, always at my bedside.
Holly Schroeder, LaPorte, Indiana

Through God’s Eyes is a spiritual wonder, giving the seeker a path to find an answer, beginning, or seed in which to grow. I was thrilled to discover a chapter in the book (one of so many) dealing with a like situation currently beating me down. Through Phil Bolsta’s guidance in finding The Divine also came an answer to help overcome my suffering. Through God’s Eyes, a gift from my longtime therapist, sits next to my chair at all times as it is a book you can pick up randomly and find gifts and comfort from throughout the ages.
Sallee Gaines Lang, Mariposa, California

Through God’s Eyes is a comprehensive collection of spiritual wisdom from across the ages, and from many different disciplines and philosophies. Phil has done an incredible job of breaking down spiritual issues and principles into categories, and then finding the right quotes from sages, mystics, philosophers, and others to illuminate those categories and provide an answer to virtually any question one could pose. Phil contributes his own insights as well and they are right on, echoing and paraphrasing a collection of wisdom unsurpassed in my reading. So it’s big. And it’s inspired. As a longtime disciple of (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World

May 15, 2012

When you feel stuck in your job or relationship . . .

When all you worked for leaves you feeling empty inside . . .

When fear of what is to come consumes sleepless nights . . .

When love seems like an impossible choice to make . . .

When the world is not large enough to contain your grief . . .

When you struggle to forgive the unforgivable . . .

there is one solution that brings true peace.

See the world through God’s eyes.

Look through God’s eyes and you see that you are being guided in every moment with infinite wisdom and inexhaustible love, that life is unfolding with indescribable beauty and grace, that Spirit is gently urging you to align your will with Divine Will and be a source of love, hope, and healing energy to all who cross your path.

This comprehensive guide to living a spiritual life explains how dozens (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: About the Title

May 14, 2012

Why did I call my new book, Through God’s Eyes? Here’s why.


The title Through God’s Eyes reflects a pivotal moment of personal enlightenment. At a 1998 weekend workshop, Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, founder of the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism, shared a life-changing story with his students. He said that after watching a TV nature program in which a lion savagely ripped apart a gazelle, he had been distraught. Retreating into meditation, he implored God, How could you allow such carnage and tragedy to exist? He told us that the response he received humbled him and restored his faith in Divine Intelligence: “I felt and saw through inner revelation how this incident was experienced from a higher level as pure love and that it was beautiful beyond description.”

Ibrahim explained that this world may appear cruel and harsh to our unenlightened eyes, but even the brutality inherent in the animal kingdom has meaning, purpose, and a stark beauty all its own. Indeed, looking through God’s eyes, we see that simply by living our lives, we all serve each other in ways both simple and profound. From that day on, I challenged myself to see the world through God’s eyes—to the extent that I could, of course—so that I too could witness every moment unfolding with beauty, love, and perfection.

Granted, that is much easier said than done, especially on days when I am the gazelle. That’s why every chapter contains reminders urging you to look through God’s eyes. I’ve found that the more I train myself to view the world in this way, the more peaceful and grounded I become. It then becomes easier to follow the core teaching of (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: The Introduction

May 13, 2012

What’s the story behind my new book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World? You’ll find the answer in the Introduction.


This is the book I longed to read as I took my first tentative steps down a spiritual path. I searched in vain for a book that laid out all the spiritual principles I was learning in a logical, organized, and engaging way. Surely, I thought, there must be one book that explained how all of these principles interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life.

I found plenty of fascinating books filled with valuable insights and information, but I always came away with more questions than answers. As I struggled to piece together what living a spiritual life looked like, I felt like I was standing in a giant library where all the books were strewn on the floor. The book I was looking for, the book that would speak to my soul, was not among them.

I vowed to write such a book someday. After all, if I was searching for it, surely other like-minded souls were too. I felt I was well suited to the task. As a writer, I specialize in bringing clarity and order to complex subject matter—and spirituality is as complex as it gets. Above all, this subject touched my heart and called to me like no other.

As I walked my path and began connecting the dots, I saw an age-old framework forming that was as elegant as it was beautiful—everything fit together, flowed together, and sang together in pure harmony. Eventually, after years of research and study, I felt capable of interpreting and articulating this worldview, which for thousands of years has been enlightening spiritual seekers about the meaning and purpose of life and the vastness of human potential.

In other words, I am not the (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: The Endorsements

May 12, 2012

I’m pleased to share with you these endorsements for Through God’s Eyes from respected authors, speakers and thought leaders.


Through God’s Eye
s is s a superb book, a truly enlightened piece of work that is an essential read for all people who are truly devoted to the care and refinement of their soul. Phil is a contemporary mystic, a man whose life is a living commitment to spiritual service. I am honored to know him.
Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Defy Gravity


Regardless of how you conceive the Absolute—as God, Goddess, Allah, Universe, or simply as a sense of cosmic beauty and order—your belief will be enriched by Through God’s Eyes. This fine book is a refreshing departure from the preachy ideology of religious dogmatism. It reveals the richness, complexity, and meaning of everyday life, warts and all.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Power of Premonitions

goldberg-philIn Through God’s Eyes, Phil Bolsta has assembled a Dream Team of spiritual wisdom. The book gathers together remarkable luminaries from every tradition—and non-tradition as well—and creatively organizes them into topical categories, like panelists in separate meeting rooms at a large conference; only these wise ones are available to readers any time they are needed. And we all need them. As we make our way along the spiritual path, with all its perplexities, complexities, mysteries, and ambiguities, these trusted companions can provide reliable, timeless guidance.
Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda and Roadsigns on the Spiritual Path

In this work of spiritual artistry, Phil Bolsta has filtered and sifted the wisdom of the ages both ancient and contemporary, secular and religious, spiritual and scientific into coherent and cohesive collections and then arranged those collections into a clear path for anyone who wishes to walk a deeper, more awakened spiritual journey through life. His commentaries and real-life anecdotes add just the right clarity to bring each area of reflection into the here-and-now. This book is a gem.
Lori Anne Yang, founder and CEO of Mammaste, LLC

This is a book that makes the wisdom of the ages and sages accessible to everyone. I know from experience it (more…)

“Through God’s Eyes”—Biographies of People Quoted

May 11, 2012

Here are quick bios of everyone quoted in Through God’s Eyes. I’ve put together these bios by pulling info off of Wikipedia and websites dedicated to the individual in question.

This post is a work in progress. Some people have proven difficult or impossible for me to identify, so any corrections or new information would be greatly appreciated. Let me emphasize that: I want to make this listing as perfect as possible, so your suggestions are expected and welcomed. Click here to e-mail me directly.


(1844-1921). Son of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í faith. Born Abbas Effendi in Tehran, Iran, he took the name Abdu’l-Bahá’, the “servant of Baha.” His father appointed him the one authorized interpreter of the Bahá’í teachings and as head of the faith after his own passing.

diane-ackermanAckerman, Diane (1948- ). American author, poet, and naturalist known best for her books, A Natural History of the Senses (a poetic investigation of the five senses) and The Zookeeper’s Wife (a nonfiction account of the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo who saved hundreds of people from Nazi hands). Her most recent book, the memoir, One Hundred Names for Love, was described by Booklist as, “A gorgeously engrossing, affecting, sweetly funny, and mind-opening love story of crisis, determination, creativity, and repair.” It was a Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Circle Critics Award.


A Course in Miracles
. A self-study metaphysical curriculum that promotes forgiveness as the road to inner peace and the remembrance of the unconditional love of God. No author is listed for the book, but Helen Schucman wrote it with the help of William Thetford, based on what she called an “inner voice” that she identified as Jesus.

douglas-adamsAdams, Douglas (1952-2001). English writer and dramatist best known as the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which originated in 1978 as a BBC radio comedy before developing into a “trilogy” of five books that sold more than fifteen million copies in his lifetime and generated a television series, several stage plays, comics, a computer game, and in 2005 a feature film.


Addison, Joseph
(1672-1719). English essayist, poet, (more…)

“Through God’s Eyes”—Sources of Quotes

May 10, 2012

Here are sources of all the quotes used in Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World.


• When an original source can’t be found, I list a book or website that contains the quote in question. Such sources are often unreliable, so I consider them simply as placeholders until the original source—or at least the earliest known appearance of the quote—is identified.

• Virtually all quotes in the book are presented verbatim as they appeared in the original sources. In rare instances, I’ve used popular or modern paraphrasings of original quotes.

• A misattributed quote often takes on a life of its own. Even if it bears little or no resemblance to the attributed source, it is worth including (with appropriate historical notes) if it offers insight and value. I did my best to honor the authenticity of every quote, but I am ultimately more concerned with content than authorship.


• If the first word in a quote was not the start of a sentence, it has been capitalized anyway.

• If the last word in a quote was not the end of sentence, a period has been added anyway.

• Certain centuries-old quotes have been “updated” using modernized language and punctuation.

• When the author of the book listed is the person being quoted, I did not include the author’s name.


• This post will be updated frequently because identifying who said what, when, and where is a never-ending project.

• Any corrections (no matter how minor), new information, or better sources would be greatly appreciated. Let me emphasize that: I want to make this listing as perfect as possible, so your suggestions are expected and welcomed. Click here to e-mail me directly.


Just as the plough furrows the earth deeply, purifying it of weeds and thistles, so suffering and tribulation free man from the petty affairs of this worldly life until he arrives at a state of complete detachment.
Paris Talks: Addresses Given by Abdul-Baha in 1911, Baha’i Publishing Trust, 2006, page 231

I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.
Diane Ackerman
• Confirmed and approved by the author via e-mail
Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef, HarperCollins, revised and updated edition, November 2, 2004, page 11

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.
A Course in Miracles

There are no idle (more…)

Through God’s Eyes: Chapter Excerpts

May 9, 2012

To introduce you to my book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World, I am pleased to present excerpts from all nineteen chapters.

I’ve included a personal story at the end of every chapter that offers an example of how to apply the wisdom contained in that particular chapter. Let’s begin with one of those stories.


At thirty-four, I was unemployed with a wife and twelve-year-old daughter to support. I didn’t have highly marketable skills and was feeling more desperate by the day. Two months after I lost my job, my tax guy told me I needed to make a $2,500 payment to the IRS in thirty days. I was already heavily in debt and had no idea how I was going to pay that month’s rent, much less the looming IRS bill. I had to repeatedly remind myself to keep breathing.

A few weeks later, my dad asked me to meet him for lunch. We lived seventy miles apart so we met at a Wendy’s in Monticello, a town halfway in between. We sat down and, without question, without judgment, he handed me a check for $2,500. I was stunned. I knew he couldn’t afford to give me so much. As I sat there, blinking back tears, he told me he believed in me and that he loved me. It was the most unexpected, generous, and loving gift I had ever received, and it deepened the already strong bond between us.

Fast-forward nearly six years. I asked my dad to meet me at the Wendy’s in Monticello at three o’clock. He hadn’t a clue why. We sat down, and I thanked him again for that day and told him how much his loving gesture had meant to me. Then I handed him a check for $2,500. It was his turn to be stunned. He tried to thank me but was too overcome with emotion, so much so that he lowered his head to the table and began sobbing. Tenderly, I leaned over and kissed the top of his head. The gift of that moment remains one of the highlights of my life.

I am now grateful for those dark days of no job and no money. Enduring such a stressful period, with fear gnawing at the pit of my stomach for days on end, was a small price to pay for such beautiful moments of love, grace, and redemption. My dad is gone now, but the memories of those lunches at Wendy’s continue to nourish me and feed my soul. Even if I were in debt the rest of my life, I’d still consider myself the richest man on earth.

And now, on to the chapter excerpts!
(Please note that the size of the type is much larger in the book!)




Through God’s Eyes: Frequently Asked Questions

May 8, 2012

If you have questions about my book, Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World, I hope these answers are helpful. If you have more questions, please let me know!

Why did you write Through God’s Eyes?
When I first became interested in spirituality, I went looking for a book that laid out all the spiritual principles I was learning in a logical, organized, and engaging way. I assumed there had to be at least one book that explained how all of these principles interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life. I couldn’t find such a book. I remember thinking, Well, I guess I have to write it myself someday. I was determined that all that knowledge and all that wisdom should be gathered together in one easy-to-follow book so others wouldn’t have to go on a giant spiritual scavenger hunt and piece it all together on their own like I had to.

How long did it take to write this book?
I knew in 1997 that I needed to write it. I also knew that I wasn’t wise enough or experienced enough to write it at the time. Even though I did not know exactly what the book would end up looking like, I began collecting the concepts and quotes that I knew would be included in it. Finally, after eight years of research and study, I felt capable of competently interpreting and articulating this ancient wisdom. Seven years later, the book was completed.

What is the primary message of Through God’s Eyes?
If I had to sum up the core teaching of this ancient wisdom in one sentence, it would be (more…)