Posts Tagged ‘Martin Short’

Synchronized Silliness

July 30, 2014

Harry Shearer and Martin Short in an all-time classic film

Harry Shearer and Martin Short in an all-time classic film

When this five-minute video premiered on Saturday Night Live during the 1984-85 season, it became an instant classic. My wife and I howled because, let’s face it, synchronized swimming was easy to make fun of.

A few years later, the guy I wrote greeting cards for came out with a button that read SUPPORT SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING. Again, hilarious!

Then our seventh-grade daughter joined a sport at school. One guess as to what it was. Yep. And we quickly learned that synchronized swimming was perhaps the toughest sport out there. I mean, I can’t even tread water much less perform intricate feats requiring grace and strength while doing so. Heck, I can’t even (more…)